AA 2020-03

Policy Code: AA 2020-03

Status: Active

Supersedes: AA 2017-07

Resolution: N/A

Area: Vice Provost

Origination: 04/29/20

Effective: 04/29/20

Last Revised: 04/29/20

Next Review: 05/01/2025

Zero Cost Course Materials and Low Cost Course Materials
[In Compliance with California Senate Bill (SB) 1359]

1.0 Identifying Classes with Exclusively Zero Cost Course Materials (ZCCM) or Low Cost Course Materials (LCCM)

1.1 As of January 1, 2018, California Senate Bill 1359 (SB 1359) mandates that all CSU campuses clearly highlight, by means of a symbol or logo on the online public-facing class schedule, all classes offered that exclusively use course materials that are free to students and may have a low-cost option for print versions.

1.2 Currently, our public-facing class schedule is accessible through our Class Search portal. There is also a version of Class Search within the student system used in the registration process. ZCCM and LCCM designated classes will be highlighted in both areas.

1.3 Classes designated as a “Zero Cost Course Material” course will not require a financial commitment from students after registration fees have been paid. Classes designated as a “Low Cost Course Material” course will not require a financial commitment from students of more than $40.00 after registration fees have been paid.

2.0 Implementation

2.1 In compliance with SB 1359, a ZCCM code is created with a no dollar symbol, located in the first column of the class offerings list. In the internal Class Search, the message will read, “All course materials are no cost.”

2.2 To further promote transparency to students regarding course costs, an LCCM code is created with an arrow pointing downward containing a dollar sign symbol, and will appear alongside course sections in the Class Schedule. In the internal Class Search, the message will read, “Total course materials cost $40 or less.”

3.0 Charge

3.1 During the production of each class schedule, all faculty teaching that term will be required to identify to their College Scheduler, any classes they are offering that exclusively require zero cost course material or low cost course material, as defined in 1.3 above.

3.2 All course material required or recommended by the instructor for a class section must have zero cost or qualify as a low cost material and be accessible to all students in the class.

3.3 Any class sections that the instructors have not decided if all digital and print course materials will be free of charge, or meet the LCCM designation, shall refrain from requesting the ZCCM or LCCM code designation until it has been confirmed to be a ZCCM or LCCM section.

4.0 Copyright Laws, Regulations and Acts

4.1 The digital and print course materials that are of no cost to students (ZCCM) or may be selected to reduce a class’s overall course materials costs, include a variety of forms and must comply with the federal Copyright Act of 1976 (Public Law 94-553). Various forms include, but are not limited to:

4.1.1 Library Resources – institutionally licensed campus library materials and other properly licensed and adopted materials that all students enrolled in the class have access to use (unlimited simultaneous access). Examples include: E-books, journal articles, streaming audio/visual collections and digital subscriptions.

4.1.2 Open Educational Resources (OER) – high-quality teaching, learning, and research resources that reside in the public domain or have been released under an intellectual property license, such as a Creative Commons license, that permits their free use and repurposing by others. Open Educational materials include, but are not limited to: Open CourseWare (OCW) – free online materials of entire courses (syllabi, presentations, assignments, and assessments) published by select universities in the US and UK and made available with an Open license. Open Textbooks– quality free and open textbooks that anyone can use for teaching and learning. Open textbooks are typically authored by faculty and published on the web with the support of universities and new commercial companies. Also commonly governed by Creative Commons, enabling users to download, customize or print textbooks without expressed written consent of the author. Open Access Journals – open journals, providing freely available, high quality online articles. Quality open journals are peer reviewed. Open articles may be found through the Directory of Open Access Journals.

4.1.3 Custom faculty-authored materials provided at no charge to students

4.1.4 Documents, publications, media, and other educational materials authored or created under the auspices of governmental agencies and international organizations.

4.2 Due to the implementation deadline, implementation of the ZCCM code begins with the Spring 2018 term. Implementation of the LCCM code will begin with the Spring 2021 class schedule.

4.3 All course materials must comply with the federal Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990.

5.0 Related Information

5.1 AA 2017-07 Zero Cost Course Materials [In Compliance with California Senate Bill (SB) 1359]

5.2 Senate Bill No. 1359 [http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160SB1359] Public Postsecondary Education: Course Materials

Copies of this document should be distributed to faculty and staff in Academic programs.

All Revision & Review Approved Dates

Supersedes AA 2017-07.

Attachments and Links

Senate Bill No. 1359 Public Postsecondary Education [http://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/billTextClient.xhtml?bill_id=201520160SB1359]



Approved Signatures


Approved: Michael E. Spagna, Provost & Vice President, Academic Affairs

Date: 04/29/2020

Area Manager/Owner

Approved: Vice Provost

Date: N/A

Older Version Approval Signatures

Approved: N/A

Date: N/A